MENTORING: Girl Geek Scotland Mentoring Community
It’s now been almost a month since our workshop on Making The Most of Mentoring. How time flies! I first of all want to thank those who attended the workshop – we had a fantastic turn out and feedback has been extremely positive!
So what’s next for the mentoring community?
We want to do more to build a fantastic community and make it easy for our Girl Geeks to find mentors in their local area. If you are looking for advice of other women in similar situations, on how to get into the industry, how to handle difficult situations, or almost anything we will find you a mentor to work with you. Similarly if you are looking for the opportunity to grow your skillset and help others then signing up to be one of our mentors could be exactly what you are looking for!
Register to be a Mentee and/or Mentor.
It will only take 5 minutes to sign up for the community, any information you share with us will be private, but we will use it to find you the best mentee/mentor. Sign up to the mentoring community here.
What happens once I register?
By the end of July we aim to pair you up with the perfect person for you whether a mentee or mentor and make those initial introductions.
When is the next event?
In August we will also be holding our first networking event. This event will be for potential mentees / mentors to get to know one another in an informal setting. More news to follow soon.
We are still exploring how best to run a Mentoring Programme and would welcome input from the wider community, find our contact details here.
Follow us on Twitter @girlgeekscot or sign up for our mailing list to be kept informed of all future Girl Geek Scotland events.
A huge thanks goes to our sponsors for this ongoing commitment: Edinburgh Napier, Bright Red Triangle, Enigma People Solutions, Spring Personnel, Cathcart Associates, Administrate, Amazon Development Centre Scotland, Informatic Ventures and SICSA.