Girl Geek Scotland aims to provide professional, enjoyable, and useful events to those attending.
It is beneficial for us to be have a visual record of our endeavors and thus we will take photographs and sometimes video at our events to be used on our website, social channels and promotional materials. Therefore, we need all event attendees to understand and accept that if they attend one of our events they can expect to be photographed or motion footage will be recorded of them and that this media may be used to promote the activities of Girl Geek Scotland.
Event Photography / Videography Policy
We ask that all Girl Geek Scotland event attendees accept that they may be photographed or recorded by film at any one of our events.
The usage of this material will be for Girl Geek Scotland online and printed promotional materials only. Online usage includes Girl Geek Scotland website, our social channels, and in our promotional videos.
Reasonable requests for exception from photographs and video must emailed to with a description and example of image for appropriate removal or disguise.